Have you approximately 3-5 years postdoctoral experience?
Maybe you qualify for the Sêr Cymru II / COFUND Fellowship programme. This usually provides funding for 3-year postdoctoral fellowships. It is specifically for areas of STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics & medicine).
We are looking for applications from postdoctoral researchers to join our lab to investigate areas of microbial ecology and/or evolution, using computational techniques or cross disciplinary projects involving computational and molecular or fieldwork aspects.
Fellows must be Experienced Researchers (ER) at the time of the deadline i.e. that they are in possession of a doctoral degree (or have at least four years of full time equivalent research experience) plus approximately 3 – 5 years postdoctoral research experience.
This programme has a pre-application stage within the host universities. Here in Aberystwyth the pre-application deadline is 27th June. Get in contact now with Chris if you would like to put in an application.
More information on the fellowships can be found here: https://goo.gl/NC7YY8