Transcriptomics, Genetic maps & Microbiomes - The latest papers from the group

A quick catchup on the latest papers from the group:

Fertility transcriptomics:

Former PhD student Dr. Bruce Moran's article on the temporal transcriptomic changes in liver and Muscle in cattle genetically divergent for fertility appeared in BMC Genomics.

Bruce's work identified a genes related to immune and metabolic functions and lipid and carbohydrate binding differentially expressed. In particular his results suggest that an increased burden of reactive oxygen species, coupled with a chronic inflammatory state are impacting dairy cow fertility in the model studies. This information will be used to further  direct efforts to increase fertility in this important agricultural species. See the full paper here.

Genetic map of Rye Grass:

In collaboration with Dr. Janaki Velmurugan from the Oakpark Crop Research Centre in the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority, (Teagasc), we published a high density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genetic linkage map for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in the journal Annals of Botany

Rye grasses are the most widely grown cool-season grasses in the world. They have a long growing season and high yielding under favourable conditions.  There is much interest in understanding the genomic factors that underpin the success of this species and to utilise genetic markers to select for favourable traits. This genetic linkage map is the first step toward achieving this goal and will allow plant breeders to select for the genetic components underlying desirable traits. See the full paper here.

Temporal dynamics of a microbiome:

In conjunction with Dr. Sharon Huws and Dr. Joan Edwards and researchers from the Herbivore Gut Ecosystems Group in IBERS we have recently published a study in FEMS Microbiology Ecology which investigates the early contribution of different microbes to the fermentation of perennial ryegrass in the rumen.

Using 16S rRNA markers over a time series spanning the first 8 hours following ingestion of biomass by the host, we demonstrated that ecological successional changes played an important role in the fermentation process during this timeframe, and involved some of the most abundant bacterial species from the rumen. See the full paper here.